The Life Not My Own

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

When the Greyness is Darker than the Dark

*I wrote this as I was coming out of PPD, and thought I'd share it with you all.

Dark times and trials are awful, don't get me wrong.  But at least when you're in them, you know they're in them.  And you feel justified to be sad, upset, or at a loss to know what to do.

Those grey times can be so much harder.

You know those times.  Life is good, really it is.  You don't have any big trials to get through or problems to solve.  Yet somewhere deep inside you just feel off.

On the outside, everything is good.  You put on a good facade.  Because times are relatively good, no one would have any reason to suspect that something was not right.  You hear of other people's hard, awful trials, and you feel ashamed for the way you feel.  Almost like you have no right.

Know that there is no shame in the greyness.  It's hard too.  I know.  Light shines clearly in the darkness.  But in the grey fog, it often gets muddled.  

Yet, know this too: God's light is not the kind of light we understand.  It doesn't get muddled or lost in the grey.  It shines clearly and with warmth, dissipating it away...more like the sun than a lamp.

There is no shame in the greyness.  It is just as hard as the darkness.  Hold fast to the True Light that cuts through the fog.  

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Wednesday, May 13, 2015

The Bakers and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

*Disclaimer: This story is completely true and happened about a month ago.  It is not fabricated or elaborated upon.

When we went to bed last night, we were expecting a good nights sleep, but when we woke up this morning, we wondered if we'd even gone to bed.  The sometimes-amazing-usually-decent-sleeper was sick with a fever and was up every. Stinking. Hour.  The toddler played his normal game and climbed in bed with us at one point.  And we had a new puppy that needed to go to the bathroom. A lot.

So then the husband went to work and I (Mama) was left alone with a screaming, unhappy baby, a high energy little boy, and a brand new, not-potty-trained puppy.  

I tried to give the baby a bath to cool her fever down, but the cold water just got her mad.  I hate screaming.  And then I went to get her dressed again and the boy said "I stepped in poop", and apparently the puppy had had an accident and Miles had stepped right in it.  I hate poop.  And the baby was still crying.  I hate crying.  Finally the puppy was put in a box, because I couldn't find the dog crate and couldn't handle her anymore.  But then she chewed a hole through it and ran downstairs and peed.  I hate dog pee.

I had to take the baby to the doctor and had no time to look for the puppy crate, so I locked the puppy in the laundry room with the box pushed against the baby gate at the top of the stairs.  The doctor said that Nora had an ear and eye infection.  Her eyes were crusty, her ears were hurting, and she was just plain unhappy.  

So then we ran into Walmart for puppy toys to kill time until the baby's antibiotics were ready.  Only, when we came out, the pharmacy still didn't have it ready, and I had to call the doctors office.  Again. 

And then I decided to go home, only to find the husband upset because the dog had pushed the box aside, squeezed through the baby gate, and ran downstairs and pooped and peed and ripped stuff up.  So I promptly found the crate.  

And the husband was even more grouchy because he had had a bad day at work and had to break up a fight.  Between grown men.

We had words.  But then we apologized and all drove into town for medicine and carpet remover and greasy fast food.  And Miles almost had an accident in the car, but thankfully he made it. 

It was a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.  My mom says that all moms have them.  Do you? 

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Sunday, May 10, 2015

You Are My Greatest Adventure

To My People,

Recently we were hanging out with a group of married friends when it dawned on me that Daddy and I were the old-marrieds of the bunch.  Everyone else had been married two years or less...and here we are fast-approaching our 5th anniversary.  What the what???

I'm realizing more lately how quickly Daddy and I really did have kids.  Sure, we'd been married two years before Miles came along, but here we are five years and two kids into marriage, when some of our friends have been married five years and are still [purposefully] waiting.  My Instagram feed seems chock-full of childless married couples going on grand adventures together and living nomadic lifestyles.  Meanwhile, my personal Instagram feed is exploding with pictures of the cutest little chubby faces you've ever seen (yes, I'm biased).  And in case you didn't get that, Little Munchkins, that would be you.

Settling down and having kids isn't for everyone, I'll give you that.  But for Daddy and I, it really was and is.  And really, the family life is a bigger challenge and adventure than any fast-paced action movie showing at the theatre.  What is an adventure after all?  It's full of unknowns and fatigue and pushing you beyond what you thought possible.  It's full of challenge and hurt and mistakes and worry.  What's a bigger adventure than getting married and having kids?  I mean, the Fast and the Furious crew can't hold a candle to me.  I'd like to see them navigate traffic with one hand holding a paci in the back seat and not be distracted by the loudest, most obnoxious screaming ever (again, a little biased).  Oh, and Jason Bourne?  I'll bet I can function way better than you can on no sleep.  I've conditioned myself...I have babies.  Don't get me started on kicking b*** with super human strength.  Have you ever tried to mess with mama's babies?  And I'd like to see MacGyver figure out a way to hold a potty training toddler over a public potty while simultaneously holding a newborn as well as I can. (And Miles, I will be telling the pooping-on-my-foot story at your wedding someday owe me.)

In all seriousness though, you all are the greatest, most fulfilling adventure I've ever been on...or probably ever will go on.  No, I don't spend my days scaling mountains or living out of a station wagon, but my days are still incredibly rewarding.  We really try to keep traveling and going on spontaneous adventures with you little crazies in tow (#babywearing or #carrythemwithyou anyone???).  We throw in our fair share of crazy.  Think: flying cross-country with a two-year-old and an 8 week old, flying alone with a 23-month "lap" baby and an ever decreasing preggo lap, camping big and pregnant, camping with an 11-month old, or hiking with two kids on our back.  Yet, even on the days when I'm just home with you all day there are still challenges to overcome and new adventures to be had.  Although it may seem like it sometimes, being a wife and mom is not mundane.  It's an adventure that's not for the faint of heart.  It's gritty and raw and revealing and strengthening all at the same time.  It's one of the hardest and best things you'll ever do.

Some days as parents, Daddy and I thrive.  Others, we just barely survive.  Yet, I know we wouldn't trade the adventure of parenthood for a billion solo adventures out in the world.

Andy, Miles, and Nora, you are my greatest adventure.


Caitlin (aka, Mommy)    

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Thursday, May 7, 2015

Dear Single a Girl: Don't Waste Time; or How Who I Am Factors into being a Stay-at-Home Mom

Miles and I have started doing "school time" together a few days a week.  I know, I know...he's only two.  Let me assure's really simple and laid back and only takes about 20 or 30 minutes.  And we're both loving it.

Admittedly, I may be loving it slightly more than Miles.  For those of you don't know, I'm actually a certified elementary school teacher.  I only substitute taught and never had a classroom of my own, but that background and training is there.  After a few years of mostly cleaning up messes and trying to keep a semblance of order to our house, and years before that working in a completely different field (accounting at a furniture manufacturer), I'd almost forgotten how much I really did enjoy teaching.  

You see, Miles' school time is, for me, all of the things I loved about teaching without all of the things that made it hard and, on certain days, downright awful.  I love fueling his curiosity and seeing his mind expand and grow.  I love scouring the Internet for ideas.  I even really love planning out units and making lesson plans.  

I know, that's all nice and everything, but what does that have to do with single girls?  I'll tell you:

Recently, the idea came across my Facebook feed that if your dream is to be a wife and mother, then your days are best spent at home being a "homemaker" and helping with siblings. Essentially, practicing being a wife and mother.  Honestly, that saddens me.

You see, I am very blessed to be able to be a stay-at-home mom and homemaker.  I love what I do.  But there's also so much more to me than just changing diapers and cleaning toilets.  I have specific interests, passions, and abilities that make me uniquely me.  Granted, there are seasons where there isn't much room for all of those things.  But they're still there inside of me, and at some point they have to be allowed to bloom or myself as a person will wilt inside.  

I've shared how I've struggled with some PPD.  Somewhere in the midst of that I lost my grip on my identity...who God created to me.  Yet, I've been watching myself come alive again planning and researching and teaching. I've been pulling out the stuff I learned in college, long since packed away.  I've been rediscovering and refining my "Philosophy of Education" (you education majors will know what I'm talking about).  In short, this one small thing of doing school with Miles has made me feel the most alive and like me that I have in awhile.  I no longer feel like just a mindless robot who cooks and cleans and changes diapers.  The most beautiful part about it is that I'm still doing all of those things.  I'm still a stay-at-home mom...only now what that looks like is altered by who I am as a woman.  And you know what?  I wouldn't be able to say that if all I'd ever done before marriage and babies was cultivate the domestic arts.  

So, if you're single and wondering what you should be doing with your time, I'd tell you to ask yourself these questions: What are you good at?  What would you like to improve at?  What makes you feel alive?  

There's nothing wrong with wanting to be a wife and mother.  And there's nothing wrong with learning to cook, clean, and take care of kids.  Yet, I'd venture a guess that there's much more to you than just that.

Pursue your passions.  Work hard at something.  Stretch yourself.  Someday when you're a wife and mom, you'll be glad you did. 

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