Pictures of our New Home!
Today was our home inspection, which I am pleased to say went very well. A lot of minor repairs, but the foundation, roof, and the big things were all sound. We even got a pleasant surprise when the inspector told us that, from looking under the house, that there are probably hardwood floors under the laminate and vinyl floors they put down. So, we’ll see what happens, but I can’t wait to pull some floor up to see what is underneath!
The more I see this house, the more excited I am to move in and get busy. The house is definitely a fixer-upper, and the layout is a bit of a rat maze, but there is so much potential! One of my favorite things is the lot it sits on, which is just over an acre of land. It’s full of giant trees, pretty grass, and even a spring in one corner of the property. It’s been severely neglected, but with a little work it will be just beautiful.
So, without further ado, here’s a little glimpse of our new little home (or rather our new big home…it’s over 2300 square feet!)
Here it is from the front, on a rather gloomy March day. It’s a one-story ranch style, so it kind of stretches on forever.
This is what you see when you first walk in. The ceilings are rather low, so we are planning on raising the roof into a gable.
Unfortunately the ivy is creeping into this room…Andy says we’ll have the “greenest” house in Stone County!
To the right of this room is the kitchen. Not much to look at now, but you just wait and see what we’ll do! And, yes, that is a mirror and not a window over the sink. The big window makes up for it though, don’t you think?
As a side note, the former occupants left a few things in the drawers, including cookbooks, recipe cards, masking tape, and half-eaten chocolate. I was excited about everything but the chocolate, surprisingly. ;)
Off of the living room is the master bedroom. Prepare yourself, this newer addition is shockingly unlike the rest of the house. Trust me, this will be remedied. :)
There’s a fireplace behind Andy.
Yes, that’s a jacuzzi tub. <3
Now back to the 1960 part of the house. Two itty-bitty bedrooms, one which has a sliding glass door onto a screened in porch.
The second bathroom. There’s a bath/shower…you just can’t see it!
Fourth bedroom. It has this weird ceiling drop down, but Andy and the inspector think we can take it out.
The laundry room
And down to the other add-on, which used to be a garage.
And here are some pictures of the outside.
Front porch. That shop in the distance is probably one of Andy’s favorite parts.
Possible garden spot…
The spring is behind all that brush
And here is Andy’s shop
Sorry there aren’t any pictures of the front yard…I need to take some.
So, there you have it…our new abode! Any suggestions or ideas?
At April 19, 2011 at 5:57 PM ,
Michael Baker said...
I like it!
At April 20, 2011 at 7:28 PM ,
Your Favorite Neighbour said...
Nice! I especially like the "newer" part ;) Can't wait to see what y'all do with it :D So excited for you!
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