Moms That Change the World
I glanced at the women around me. All moms—all here for the MOPs conference. I felt strangely out of place, like a young kid just pretending to be a grownup mom. Wasn’t I still that young woman in her early-twenties attending Passion conferences and feeling young and alive and free? Yet here I was amidst 3000 other moms who spent more time wiping boogers out of noses than being spontaneous and free.
There were moms of all ages and backgrounds. Moms with six kids and moms with one. Moms dressed like hipsters and moms rocking ”mom jeans”. They were all different, but they were all moms. All of them, even the youngest, had little ones who depended on them. Their lives were no longer about them. They couldn’t pretend that they weren’t adults.
Part of me felt hesitant to even want to fit in. Being a grownup adult mom isn’t easy. The life of a mom is lived in the little things. Instead of leading prayer walks, organizing big fundraisers to end slavery, or living in Africa for a year, they are busy taking out poopy diapers, cutting crusts off of sandwiches, and discipling little hearts. They are not free to do what many consider the “big” works for the Lord. The feeling of insignificance or fruitlessness is quick to creep in.
And yet, as I watched these women worship and learn together, I realized how wrong that thinking really was. After all, the “biggest” and best work we can do for the Lord is the work that He has set before us to do.
Moms certainly have an amazing job. They mold and lead the next generation of world changers. Yet, as I sat amongst all these other women I suddenly realized that our calling was even more than that.
It was halfway through Beth Moore’s talk when this revelation occurred to me. Beth was telling the story of her eldest daughter’s birth. When she finally arrived, she was blotchy, cone-headed, and covered in blood and gunk. Yet when they placed her in her arms, Beth said she looked into the face of the most beautiful, perfect baby that she had ever seen.
As she talked, mommy hormones swelled and tears formed in my eyes. I looked around and realized that I was not alone. That feeling was something that every mom, and only moms, could relate to. We had all had the very same thought when we held our children, whether through birth or adoption, in our arms for the first time. Every single mom has a connection to every other mom…simply because we are all moms.
Therein lies our calling. As moms, we have the unique opportunity to connect with other women of different backgrounds. We moms have the same feelings and experiences, and we can reach the moms who are hurting or lost or just looking for a friend. We can reach out to them that they might see Christ in us.
I’m proud to be a mom. I may not have the freedom and opportunities of many women my age, but I know God has put me where I am and has given me a good work to do. College students aren’t the only one with the chance to make a difference—we moms can be world changers too.
At November 7, 2013 at 4:55 PM ,
Heather @ Simple Wives said...
I loved reading this post! So sweet. :)
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