I'm still alive!
I know it may seem like I've dropped off the face of the planet. In some ways, I feel like I have! I am completely baffled as to where August went...how could September sneak up on me so fast??!!
And then I remember. My August has been spent almost entirely in sleepless nights, a messy house, and learning (often through frustration) how to be a mom. It's been spent in snuggles and sleepy milk faces. It's been spent in love and wonder and learning. It's been spent letting go of all my preconceived ideas, and trusting my instincts instead. There have been times I've broke down crying, but there have been many more times of pure joy and happiness.
Don't worry...I'll be back, and with lots to share with you. Until then, suffice it to say that we are doing well. Miles is growing and changing by the day. He even grew two inches in three weeks, that crazy boy! And each day when we look at our beautiful little boy, we are reminded how blessed we are.
PS: Be looking for Miles' birth story and more updates in the next few days!
At August 31, 2012 at 2:13 PM ,
Anonymous said...
So, so glad that you are all doing well! You've popped into my mind so many times over the past month. I've wondered how little Miles was doing and what all you've learned. Being a single young girl, I often wonder just how many of those "preconcieved notions" change! Thanks so much for this little update!
Love and prayers!
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