Update on the Baby Goods!
Baby B won’t be here for another couple of months, but we’re slowly trying to accumulate everything we’ll need. His room is getting piled high with things…making it seem so much more real!
Anyway, here’s our original list and an update…
-Crib and mattress-We got both of these last weekend at Target. Can’t wait to put up the crib! Here’s the back of it…
-Bedding and blankets-Nothing right now, but I’m sure that will come. All I really need is a fitted sheet.
-Rocker or glider-Still working on this…it’s hard to find one that’s comfortable, looks good, and fits us tall people.
-Stroller-We have one picked out at Target that we’d like. It’s actually a jogger, but Andy thought it was sturdier and that it would be more practical since we live in the country.
-Car seat-We have a matching one to the stroller picked out at Target as well. We feel pretty strongly about getting a new one, since our baby’s safety is involved…plus we plan on having more kids!
-Clothes and supplies-We have a few clothes that we’ve bought, and some really cute clothes my parent’s and sisters bought us. I’m sure we’ll get more than we need of these at the baby shower! We also bought a Halo sleep sack last weekend, so I guess that goes in here too. This is what my family got us:
-Some kind of carrier or Moby Wrap-I have a friend who’s made Moby Wrap’s, so I plan on asking her to help me make one. We’d also like an Ergo for when Baby B gets bigger, as well as a sling.
-A baby gate-Still none.
-A few bottles and a pump (for the days when I need to be away from our baby briefly)-On our registry. We’re going with glass bottles to avoid chemicals (I know new bottles are BPA free, but you never know what else is in them).
-Play pen-We bought a nice, like-new one at the Rhea Lana consignment sale for $30!
-Swing-My parents bought us a very nice one last weekend. It’s the kind that goes side-to-side, as well as front-to-back. We would never have bought this ourselves, but we know it will be a HUGE blessing! It’s still in pieces, but this is the one we got…
-Baby bath (this really is almost a need…I’m not comfortable washing our newborn in the kitchen sink!)-I put one on our registry.
Some things we might want but don’t really “have-to-have”:
-Monitor-We’ll probably get an inexpensive set, although we plan on having the baby sleep in our room.
-Bouncer or walker-We’ll probably put one on the registry, but we can wait until baby is bigger.
-Extra toys (I’m sure we’ll get plenty from friends/family, and we’re not into electronic gadgets)-I’m not worrying about these.
What I’ve Added To Our List:
-Boppy Pillow-I’ve heard these are great!
-Diaper Bag-Somehow I forgot this the first time around! hehe!
-Bumpo Seat and/or high chair-We’ll need something eventually.
-Diaper Pail-Um, yeah.
-Changing Table/Dresser Combo-We’d really like to have one of these for the baby’s room. We’ll see!
-Nursing pads, cover, supplies, etc.
-Curtains (or fabric to make them) for the baby’s room-I’m looking for something green or chocolate colored and whimsical. Any ideas?
Also, I’ve been doing some research into all the new safety recommendations, especially as related to SIDS. As I mentioned, I bought a sleep sack, and I’d like more. We’re not planning on using any bumpers (and I’m not even registering for a bedding set because of this). I figure that we’ll get lots of blankets anyway, and I’m planning on making a blanket or two myself. What are your experiences/recommendations with this? We don’t want to be paranoid, but we want to be safe where we can.
What do you think of the new list? I think we’re doing fairly well. I’m itching to get the crib and swing set up…even though Baby B won’t be here for another 3 1/2 months!
Anyway, here’s our original list and an update…
-Crib and mattress-We got both of these last weekend at Target. Can’t wait to put up the crib! Here’s the back of it…
-Bedding and blankets-Nothing right now, but I’m sure that will come. All I really need is a fitted sheet.
-Rocker or glider-Still working on this…it’s hard to find one that’s comfortable, looks good, and fits us tall people.
-Stroller-We have one picked out at Target that we’d like. It’s actually a jogger, but Andy thought it was sturdier and that it would be more practical since we live in the country.
-Car seat-We have a matching one to the stroller picked out at Target as well. We feel pretty strongly about getting a new one, since our baby’s safety is involved…plus we plan on having more kids!
-Clothes and supplies-We have a few clothes that we’ve bought, and some really cute clothes my parent’s and sisters bought us. I’m sure we’ll get more than we need of these at the baby shower! We also bought a Halo sleep sack last weekend, so I guess that goes in here too. This is what my family got us:
And little pants to match them…
And even cute little bibs…
-A baby gate-Still none.
-A few bottles and a pump (for the days when I need to be away from our baby briefly)-On our registry. We’re going with glass bottles to avoid chemicals (I know new bottles are BPA free, but you never know what else is in them).
-Play pen-We bought a nice, like-new one at the Rhea Lana consignment sale for $30!
-Swing-My parents bought us a very nice one last weekend. It’s the kind that goes side-to-side, as well as front-to-back. We would never have bought this ourselves, but we know it will be a HUGE blessing! It’s still in pieces, but this is the one we got…
Some things we might want but don’t really “have-to-have”:
-Monitor-We’ll probably get an inexpensive set, although we plan on having the baby sleep in our room.
-Bouncer or walker-We’ll probably put one on the registry, but we can wait until baby is bigger.
-Extra toys (I’m sure we’ll get plenty from friends/family, and we’re not into electronic gadgets)-I’m not worrying about these.
What I’ve Added To Our List:
-Boppy Pillow-I’ve heard these are great!
-Diaper Bag-Somehow I forgot this the first time around! hehe!
-Bumpo Seat and/or high chair-We’ll need something eventually.
-Diaper Pail-Um, yeah.
-Changing Table/Dresser Combo-We’d really like to have one of these for the baby’s room. We’ll see!
-Nursing pads, cover, supplies, etc.
-Curtains (or fabric to make them) for the baby’s room-I’m looking for something green or chocolate colored and whimsical. Any ideas?
Also, I’ve been doing some research into all the new safety recommendations, especially as related to SIDS. As I mentioned, I bought a sleep sack, and I’d like more. We’re not planning on using any bumpers (and I’m not even registering for a bedding set because of this). I figure that we’ll get lots of blankets anyway, and I’m planning on making a blanket or two myself. What are your experiences/recommendations with this? We don’t want to be paranoid, but we want to be safe where we can.
What do you think of the new list? I think we’re doing fairly well. I’m itching to get the crib and swing set up…even though Baby B won’t be here for another 3 1/2 months!
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