The Life Not My Own

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Baby B is Changing My World Again

Yesterday we went in for our anatomy scan.  Pretty quickly, the ultrasound tech smiled and said, “See that…it’s a boy!” 

I had a feeling it was a boy, but there was something completely surprising and life changing about knowing for sure what this sweet little baby growing within me is.  As he kicked and flipped, scratched his head and flexed his muscles, I was in awe.  To know that this little life, this little boy, has been growing within me, perfectly formed by the Father, was incredible.   And to think, too, how miraculously this little one was created.  Half me, half Andy…already a little boy, full of spirit and energy. 


We looked at the first ultrasound pictures, just 10 short weeks ago, and marveled at how he’s grown and changed. 


From just a little tiny thing, with stubby little arms moving around, to what looked like a real, true baby. 


No surprise to us, the ultrasound tech said he “looked long”.  Yep, he’ll be a tall one.  And to think he has about 20 more weeks of growing ahead!


Suddenly, I started to think about how my life was going to change in 20 weeks.  A little boy.  The first boy for my mom’s side of the family in literally 50 years.  Both of my cousins on that side are girls, I have only sisters, and only nieces.  And now comes a little boy.  We don’t know the first thing about a little boy!
But, oh, how fun it will be.  There’s already been talk of little fighter pilot outfits (thanks to my dad), and the manliest toys and colors we can find.  Suddenly into the lives of all these girls there will be Tonka trucks and cowboy hats, dinosaurs and bb guns.  I know we will love every minute, and you better believe this little boy will be spoiled and doted on to no end.

But best of all to me was Andy.  He’s been quiet since the ultrasound, taking it all in.  He kind of wanted a girl, but I think he forgot all about that once he saw our sweet baby boy on the screen.  Last night we walked into what will be our little boy’s room, thinking about just a few months from now.  Out of the blue, he grinned really big and started talking about getting cowboy hats and John Deere signs.  All thoughts of “his little girl” and pink ribbons and curls had gone out the window.  And he was so happy when he thought about having a son.     

Andy’s never been one to be prideful, or want a “firstborn son” or even an heir to his name.  That’s the sweetest part about it.  Yes, he will have both those things, but that’s not why he’s excited.  He’s excited because God knew exactly what he was doing when he gave us a boy.  We’ve been blessed with an incredible blessing…a son to raise up for the Lord. 

Two little girls already changed my world.  And now one little boy’s doing it all over again.

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