Monday, Oh Monday!
I know today’s not Monday, but I simply can’t wait for this one to come. Who can’t wait for Monday? I know, it’s crazy. But this Monday we get to see our precious baby on an ultrasound, and we probably get to find out if it’s a little him or her!
My belly’s been growing a ton the last few weeks, and Baby B’s been kicking up a storm. Andy’s been able to feel the baby kick for a little while now. His favorite thing to do is to point to my swollen belly and say, “What’s that?” I say, “Our baby.”. Then he points to me and says, “What’s that?” And I say, “Your baby.” It blesses me so much to see how blessed he feels to have two babies!
I’m so anxious to see him/her…how big he/she is, and how much he/she is moving! What a precious gift to see your little one already full of life in the womb! And, yes, we’re excited to find out the gender. I’m glad now we didn’t decide to wait until Baby B was born. Somehow I know it will make it all the more real to know if it’s a little Andy or a little Caitlin.
We don’t really have a preference over whether it’s a boy or a girl…we just feel so blessed to have either! And we also know that God knows exactly what we need. :) I will admit, though, that Andy thinks it’s a girl…and kind of wants one. Trust me, if it is a girl, he’ll be wrapped around her little finger.
I, on the other hand, think it’s a boy. It’s not that I want a boy in particular…I just kind of have the feeling that that’s what it is. Although, I will admit, there hasn’t been a baby boy in my mom’s side of the family in a very long time. I have all sisters, all girl cousins (on my mom’s side), and all nieces. So, as you can imagine, a little boy would be definitely doted over and loved-to-pieces. But then again, so would another girl!
We know God already has a plan for this little life growing inside of me, and we feel so blessed to be a part of it.
So, until Monday, we’re waiting anxiously to see just what kind of blessing he’s given us.
My belly’s been growing a ton the last few weeks, and Baby B’s been kicking up a storm. Andy’s been able to feel the baby kick for a little while now. His favorite thing to do is to point to my swollen belly and say, “What’s that?” I say, “Our baby.”. Then he points to me and says, “What’s that?” And I say, “Your baby.” It blesses me so much to see how blessed he feels to have two babies!
I’m so anxious to see him/her…how big he/she is, and how much he/she is moving! What a precious gift to see your little one already full of life in the womb! And, yes, we’re excited to find out the gender. I’m glad now we didn’t decide to wait until Baby B was born. Somehow I know it will make it all the more real to know if it’s a little Andy or a little Caitlin.
We don’t really have a preference over whether it’s a boy or a girl…we just feel so blessed to have either! And we also know that God knows exactly what we need. :) I will admit, though, that Andy thinks it’s a girl…and kind of wants one. Trust me, if it is a girl, he’ll be wrapped around her little finger.
I, on the other hand, think it’s a boy. It’s not that I want a boy in particular…I just kind of have the feeling that that’s what it is. Although, I will admit, there hasn’t been a baby boy in my mom’s side of the family in a very long time. I have all sisters, all girl cousins (on my mom’s side), and all nieces. So, as you can imagine, a little boy would be definitely doted over and loved-to-pieces. But then again, so would another girl!
We know God already has a plan for this little life growing inside of me, and we feel so blessed to be a part of it.
So, until Monday, we’re waiting anxiously to see just what kind of blessing he’s given us.
At March 16, 2012 at 10:54 AM ,
Courtney B said...
AH! I am sooo excited for you! Monday is the best day to schedule that kind of appointment :) I can't wait to hear what you're having!
At March 21, 2012 at 3:40 PM ,
Emma Frances said...
OH MY GOODNESS!!! So excited for you to find out!!! :] Do you two have names picked out?! We don't yet. Haha. But we'll figure it out! And I was looking at your house redecorating blog--you two are AMAZING!!
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