The Life Not My Own

Monday, September 19, 2011

One Thousand Gifts: Indian Summer

This week a cool wind rolled in, and with it came a hint of Fall.  Cozy sweaters, hot cups of tea, and snuggly blankets became practically a necessity.  One of the poplar trees in our yard started losing it’s leaves early, mostly because of the dry weather, but I’m not complaining about the yellow leaves, though…they are a beautiful whisper of Fall. 
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A single golden leaf brings so much beauty!
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The animals have been enjoying the weather too.  Sam loves the respite from the muggy summer days, and is becoming much more active again. :)
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She’s such a sweet little buddy.
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The girl cat (who we once thought was a boy) has now acquired a new name: Elsa, after the lion in one of my favorite movies, Born Free.  Andy persists in calling the poor cat “Al” though…I guess it’s hard to change a name. :)
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Elsa is curious to explore everything around our yard…especially with the new cool weather.
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She even has dubbed the wire dog kennel her own personal “jungle gym”.
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I’m so enjoying this “Indian Summer”, and all of the beautiful things that come with it.  Sometimes the most joy can be found only in the tiniest of things: a simple leaf, sweet little buddies, and a warm cup of tea.
61. Getting to pull out comfy sweaters.
62. Golden leaves already starting to fill my yard.
63. Walking the dog in the middle of the day without dying of heatstroke.
64. A scheduled “kitchen finished” date…Friday! (Turkey in the freezer, get ready!)
65. A fun date night with Andy, and finally getting to see The Help.
66. A man who appreciates me for me, and wants to help me reach my dreams.
67. A man who sees and thinks beyond what most people see or think.
68. Picking out adorable things for my soon-to-be-arriving nieces (yes, they shall be spoiled :) ).
69. Snuggling under the covers as the long awaited ran pours on our tin roof.
70. Dreaming of the future while enjoying and cherishing today.

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