What does it mean to feel full? Really and truly? So often, our lives can be "full" of so many things, but never truly full. Sometimes there are days when I wonder what God's will for me is...how He's using me in His plan. Sometimes I feel empty...like my life is far too simple. Yet, it is in those times that I turn to God, and He fills me up. He shows me His presence in even the smallest things, and I realize that it really doesn't matter if He's using me. My life, after all, is not mine. It's His. The only way He can use me, is by letting go of all of me and letting Him be all that I am. It is then that I find that I am full...full with all of Him.
At July 22, 2011 at 10:44 AM ,
Theresa Miller said...
Yes, yes, yes...I love this!
At July 22, 2011 at 10:46 AM ,
Theresa Miller said...
BTW, I love the premise of your blog and am a new follower!
At July 22, 2011 at 11:43 AM ,
Traci Michele said...
<3 Traci
Here's my first stab at this writing exercise: <3
It was my first stab at it over at Ordinary Inspirations: http://www.ordinaryinspirations.blogspot.com
At July 22, 2011 at 1:39 PM ,
Carrie said...
So true!
and ps, your wedding pictures are lovely! Fun to find a blog of another newlywed :
At July 25, 2011 at 10:19 AM ,
Unknown said...
Thanks for the comments!
@Theresa: Thanks for following me! I always love new followers!
@Traci: I loved your post!
@Carrie: Yay for newlyweds! You don't meet too many bloggers that don't already have kids. :)
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