5 Things That Make Me a Better Mom

2. Having been a working mom. For a time before Nora was born, I worked part-time. I never thought I would work after I had children, but I did, and I learned a great deal through it. First, how valuable my time is. When you work outside the home, your time at home is precious. You have to be incredibly diligent to keep your house running. Second, how important it is to wake up and get going in the morning. Even if I don’t have anywhere to be, my day is far more productive when I get up and going first thing. Third, I have a new appreciation for working moms. I realize how hard it is for them, even if they have to work or honestly enjoy their job. As a stay-at-home mom once again, I’m much more productive and cognizant with my time. In turn, I get a lot more done.
3. Having a high-needs child. I’ve talked about this before. The gist is that I see my children for who they are instead of who I think they should be. Most of the time, anyway.
4. Having a low-needs child. My sweet, easy-going daughter has made it very obvious that my high-needs son was not my “fault”. Each of my children simply has their own, unique personality. I’m also thankful that she’s so laid-back because I would have probably lost my sanity otherwise.
5. MOPs. I’ve been a part of our local MOPs group since Miles was just a few weeks old, and now I’m on the leadership team. I love it and I have a huge heart for it. In those early newborn days with Miles, and more recently as I’ve learned how to be a mom to two, my mom friends from MOPs were the support I needed. I’ve gained some amazing friends through MOPS. I also love the opportunity it presents to serve others right where I’m at…by letting motherhood be the common denominator.
Labels: life, mom, motherhood
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