The Beauty in the Trouble
Compared to my first, this pregnancy has been no picnic in the park. In the beginning, I felt guilty for not being as excited about this pregnancy as I was with the first. Then there was a worry about baby girl’s brain ventricle being too large, and more recently such bad contractions and cramping that I almost went to the hospital.
I realized the other day, however, how long October seemed away, and how impatient I was for it to get here. The time has slowed and I find myself counting the days until sweet Baby Girl Baker makes her arrival. I’m excited and expectant and eager…all things that I wasn’t in the beginning of this pregnancy.
You see, all the trouble and worry has made Baby Girl’s life all the more dear and precious to me. I’ve come to realize just how much I love and cherish her…and that I’d do anything to see her safely in my arms. The contractions, the excessive water, the aches, and the insomnia are insignificant to me in comparison to knowing that, Lord willing, in a few short months I’ll be able to kiss her tiny little toes.
I don’t mean to say that God gives us troubles and heartaches, but I do believe He has allowed these things to happen because He knew they were exactly what I needed. He knew that I needed those worries to prepare my heart to receive my daughter.
Sometimes hardships are exactly what we need to make us stronger. Sometimes there is beauty in our troubles.
Labels: baby, baby coming, life
At August 24, 2014 at 2:14 PM ,
Anonymous said...
So precious. :) Thank you for your honesty. Looking forward to reading a birth aannouncement post one of these days! So grateful that God is preparing your heart to receive this lil' girlie.
At August 25, 2014 at 9:31 AM ,
Karen W said...
My second pregnancy never seemed real to me until I got toward the end. I started having early labor at 33 weeks and that is really when the reality of a second child hit me. By the time he arrived I was so ready to welcome our little boy into our family.
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